Student voice is how we gain feedback and work with learners to improve the student experience and develop skills.
Students will be encouraged to engage in student voice by providing feedback through the platforms below.
For those who are keen to engage further, they will have the opportunity to work with the college in addressing the feedback provided, by becoming Members of College Parliament and representing students through College Parliament.
Speak to Lindsey Topham-Whitton on Google Chat (or via email here) if you have any queries or questions on Student Voice.
1) Talk to staff
In the first instance we encourage students to speak to their tutors, curriculum leads or other relevant support staff to resolve any issues.
2) Student Feedback Form
Students can complete a feedback form and we’ll make sure it gets to the relevant staff member to be addressed.
3) Petitions
Students can start a petition. You can create a petition if:
4) Make Your Mark
Make Your Mark will happen twice a year and learners can vote on what the most important topic is to them. This helps Members of College Parliament and Senior Leaders decide on what priorities to focus on and address.
5) Surveys
Learners will be able to complete surveys throughout the year to let the College know about the quality of their experience.